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Liver chromatin accessibility QTL data (Currin et al. AJHG 2021)


Summary statistics for chromatin accessibility quantitative trait loci (caQTL) mapped in bulk human liver tissue (n=20) using RASQUAL. One analysis used variants within 100 kilobases (kb) of ATAC-seq peak centers, and one used variants within 1 kb of peak centers.
1. peak: peak ID
2. var_ID: chromosome:position of the variant, hg19
3. chr: chromosome
4. var_position_hg19: genomic position of the variant, hg19
5. ref_allele: reference base
6. alt_allele: alternate base
7. alt_allele_frequency: frequency of the alternate allele in the 20 samples
8. HWE_Chi_square_statistic: deviation from HWE
9. imputation_quality_score: imputation score
10. log_10_Benjamini_Hochberg_Qvalue: could use for filtering
11. chi_square_statistic_(2xlogLikelihood_ratio): used for calculating p-values
12. effect_size_(Pi): dosage of the alternate allele
13. sequencing_mapping_error_rate_(Delta): used in the RASQUAL model
14. reference_allele_mapping_bias_(Phi): used in the RASQUAL model
15. overdispersion: used in the RASQUAL model
16. SNP_ID_within_the_region
17. no._of_feature_SNPs: number of SNPs within the peak
18. no._of_tested_SNPs: number of SNPs in the tested region (100kb or 1kb)
19. no._of_iterations_for_null_hypothesis: RASQUAL model diagnostic
20. no._of_iterations_for_alternative_hypothesis: RASQUAL model diagnostic
21. random_location_of_ties_(tie_lead_SNP_only_useful_with_-t_option): not relevant for this analysis
22. log_likelihood_of_the_null_hypothesis: RASQUAL model diagnostic
23. convergence_status_(0=success): RASQUAL model diagnostic
24. squared_correlation_between_prior_and_posterior_genotypes_(fSNPs): Correlation between genotypes estimated by RASQUAL from the ATAC-seq data with genotypes provided in the VCF file, using only SNPs in the peak
25. squared_correlation_between_prior_and_posterior_genotypes_(rSNP): Correlation between genotypes estimated by RASQUAL from the ATAC-seq data with genotypes provided in the VCF file, using all tested SNPs in the test window
Files for download:
RASQUAL results, 1 kb analysis:
size: 38 Mb
RASQUAL results, 100 kb analysis:
size: 2.2 Gb
Raw p-values and eigenMT-adjusted p-values for the lead variant per peak
1. var: variant ID in the format chromosome:position_ref/alt, hg19
2. gene: peak ID
3. p-value: raw p-value for the peak lead variant calculated from the RASQUAL chi square statistic
4. BF: eigenMT-adjusted p-value
5. TESTS: number of LD-independent SNPs in the tested region
Files for download:
eigenMT results, 1 kb analysis
size: 4.5 Mb
eigenMT results, 100 kb analysis
size: 5 Mb