Important note
To download the data from each page, please copy the link address and use wget or curl in the terminal. Clicking on the link to download will not work. Contact Karen Mohlke ( if you need help accessing the data.
- Liver chromatin accessibility QTL in 138 individuals (Currin et al. 2024)
- Signal-based liver eQTL meta-analysis (Broadaway et al. AJHG 2024)
- AdipoExpress: Adipose eQTL meta-analysis summary statistics (Brotman et al. bioxriv 2023)
- METSIM adipose trait-gene expression associations (Brotman et al. Diabetes 2023)
- METSIM adipose splice junction QTL summary statistics (Brotman and Raulerson et al. AJHG 2022)
- Liver chromatin accessibility QTL data (Currin et al. AJHG 2021)
- METSIM adiponectin GWAS (Spracklen et al. PLoS Genet. 2020)
- METSIM adipose tissue cis-eQTL summary statistics (Raulerson et al. AJHG 2019)
- Adiponectin exome array meta-analysis (Spracklen et al. AJHG 2019)
- China Health and Nutrition Survey (glycemic trait results; Spracklen et al. PLoS Genet. 2018)