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Liver eQTL meta-analysis (Broadaway et al. AJHG 2024)


Below are the links for:

  1. Full marginal eQTL summary statistics
  2. Isolated conditional eQTL summary statistics


Marginal eQTL summary stats:
Column label Description
Entrez Entrez ID
Variant Chromosome_position_NonEffectAllele_EffectAllele
CHR Chromosome
POS Position (hg19)
NEA Non-effect allele
EA Effect allele
EAF Effect allele frequency
Beta Effect size of association between variant and gene
SE Standard error
PVAL p-value of association between variant and gene
N Sample size for variant
Studies Studies with gene expressed. 1=Germany (145), 2=Schadt (555), 3=Merck (322), 4 = BLP (161)
GeneSymbol Gene symbol: lookup biomaRt (version 2.50.3, Ensembl version 110)
ENSG Ensembl ID for gene: lookup biomaRt (version 2.50.3, Ensembl version 110)
Gene_Biotype Gene Biotype: lookup biomaRt (version 2.50.3, Ensembl version 110)
Files for download:
Description Marginal eQTL full summary statistics – all results by chromosome
Filename Liver_eQTL_MarginalResults_byChr.tar.gz
Size 1.9 GB
Date 3/4/24


Isolated eQTL summary stats (each signal isolated):
Column label Description
GeneSymbol Gene symbol: lookup biomaRt (version 2.50.3, Ensembl version 110)
Entrez Entrez ID
SignalLead Lead variant of isolated signal
Variant Chromosome_position_NonEffectAllele_EffectAllele
NEA Non-effect allele
EA Effect allele
EAF Effect allele frequency
Beta Effect size of association between variant and gene
SE Standard error
PVAL p-value of association between variant and gene
N Sample size for variant
Studies Studies with gene expressed. 1=Germany (145), 2=Schadt (555), 3=Merck (322), 4 = BLP (161)
ENSG Ensembl ID for gene: lookup biomaRt (version 2.50.3, Ensembl version 110)
Gene_Biotype Gene Biotype: lookup biomaRt (version 2.50.3, Ensembl version 110)
Files for download:
Description Isolated conditional summary statistics for signficant signals – all results by chromosome
Filename Liver_eQTL_IsolatedSignals_byChr.tar.gz
Size 1.1 GB
Date 3/4/24